Youth Discovery Ministry

Holy Rock Youth Discovery Ministry exists to equip youth with God's Word,  so that they will be able to reach out to others with the love of Jesus, connect with other Christians, and challenge our youth to serve God with their lives.   Having a relationship with God is  something to celebrate!

Ministry Leaders and Volunteers are committed to teaching youth about discipleship (equip), evangelism (reach), fellowship (connect), ministry (serve) and worship (celebrate)! Youth can expect to learn the core doctrines of the Christian Faith through creative instruction that will engage their hearts and minds.  This is accomplished through the teaching of short bible lessons each week.  Youth are encouraged to express excitement, energy, and love for God's word as they learn the stories and their principles.  Youth can expect to have their teachers and mentors exhibit Christ-like patience in a safe, secure, nurturing, clean and efficient environment.  They can expect to be inspired, ignited with a passion for Christ and challenged to live healthy, productive, spirit-filled lives as they learn God's WORD!


1. God loves you and so do we.

2. You are safe here.
3. You are special.
4. God has a plan for you.
5. God’s way really is the best way. Trust Him!






Report any concerns or ideas for improvement to the Nursery Director.

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